
We are at your disposal to answer your questions and/or comments about any of our services or your experience at Casa Bosque.

    Visit us at

    Camino al VolcĂ¡n 16,829 GuayacĂ¡n, San JosĂ© de Maipo Santiago, Chile.

    Call us at

    +569 9139 6808

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    Puedes reservar tu mesa de:
    Miércoles a Viernes 13:00 a 16:00 hrs.
    SĂ¡bado, Domingo y festivos 
hasta las 13:00 hrs.

    ***Todas las reservas tienen una espera de 15 minutos

    Reserva tu Mesa



    You can reserve your table from:
    Wednesday to Friday 13:00 to 16:00 hrs.
    Saturday, Sunday and holidays until 13:00 hrs.

    ***All reservations have a 15 minute wait time.